Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Exciting News!!
Any questions, as always, feel free to email me or contact me through Facebook!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Fort Valley Recap - finally...
Fort Valley this year ended up being kind of crazy for me; Sarah Seashols and I were originally going to take both Aleah and Helo. Unfortunately, Sarah ended up not being able to make it and the horses didn'tget the kind of conditioning I like for the full 50. But Amy Smoot (Gloucester, VA) asked me to take her horse Kricket on the 50. So, the plan changed to take Kricket on Day 1 on the 50 and Helo on Day 2 on the 30 (I was originally going to take Aleah, but she was not great about getting on the trailer for conditioning rides so Helo went instead). Amy and her friend Mariah were doing the 30 on both days on the same horses, so we had four in total (Helo, Kricket, Savannah, and Remington). We left in the early morning on Thursday to avoid traffic in a caravan, with me leading the way. Yes, I did warn Amy ahead of time that I tend to drive like a grandma so she better just get used to it.
The trip up was pretty quiet, though we did meet up with some other riders who had gotten lost trying to get to camp and let them follow us in. I love this ride, but the directions were definitely lacking once you get off the highway. If you ever have questions on it be sure to look me up, it's a LEFT turn off of the interstate, then a RIGHT after the bridge, and then you take the SECOND left onto the road to camp (it's a loop, if you take the first turn you go through some windy one-lane farm road that is not necessary).
Upon arrival, the girls and I set up camp and started prepping for the next day. We got the horses checked in and went for a warm-up ride, and the usual dinner/ride meeting. Claire Godwin has been the manager of this ride for the last several years, and she does a GREAT job. Once the meeting was over we settled in and went to bed for the night. Because it was very brisk (in the low 40's) and windy I decided to try sleeping in the trailer as opposed to the tent. It worked out great, I have a cot now instead of the air mattresses so I was elevated off the floor a bit. Only awkward thing was getting in and out, I need to oil up the joints on my divider so I can slide it over more easily for camping. I also had several heavy blankets and Jack to keep me warm through the night, so I was definitely comfortable.
50 day went great, Amy wanted Kricket to go at a steady pace with her heart rate around 130-150. This was my first time riding with a heart rate monitor, needless to say I had the "constant checking" syndrome for a while. Kricket was very excited and hyped up at the start, so rather than make things worse I did decide to let her go for a little bit to get it out of her system. It ended up working great, the trail starts with a long steep incline then levels out and heads down the mountain in some very technical rocky stuff, so it was easy to slow her down. She's also very well-behaved so it made life easier. Once down the hill we hit a cruising pace, which depending on the incline/decline ranged from 110-130. It felt right to me, she seemed to be working hard but not running herself out so I decided to stick around there.
I met up with a couple of riders going the same pace and we ended up with each other for most of the day. Unfortunately I didn't catch their names but one is a vet and seasoned endurance rider, and we all were very friendly and helped each other so it worked well. Loop 1 has two big climbs followed by some technical stuff, but in the middle is a nice long stretch of downhill that switches from wide flat grass to smooth semi-gravel road so you can really move out. The road runs along the river in between mountain passes, so it is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. The second climb puts you up on Milford Gap, after which you hit the main trail straight down hill to basecamp.
Kricket did great at the vet checks; she was calling for her friends and looking for th

The second loop starts exactly the same as the first, but once you get done with the pretty grassy part you head out a different direction. This part of the trail was my favorite, windy through the trees and soft dirt where you could really move. Also a lot of water stops, one at a beautiful stretch on the river where the cliffs jump out.
This loop is also home of the infamous Indian Graves. I was very happy to have help/leaders up this stretch, as it made me very nervous (having talked to riders who had accidents in previous years). The good news is that i

Around this time, Kricket started looking for something to eat on trail but there wasn't a lot of options. Thankfully I had some cheese crackers in my pack, remembering that Amy had given some to her as a treat while we were training in the weeks leading up. So as we walked up the mountain I was hand-feeding her cheddar cheese crackers from my hand. Pretty funny!
Once we got up on Milford Gap she was eating tree leaves: bite right, walk 4 steps. Bite left, walk 4 steps. We got a great rhythm going! Once up the "scary" part of Indian Graves (narrow technical stint with two big step ups) we were back on Milford Gap, then over the top of the mountain and back down to camp. They say this trail is the same length as loop one, but it seemed a bit longer to me. Might have been because we went easy going up Indian Graves for the most part, but we were booking along the flatter stretches so I don't think so. Would love to get out there with my GPS one day to see.
I should also make brief mention in memorial to the heart rate monitor at this point. It had come apart on Loop 1, but all the pieces managed to stay attached to us. At the vet check, since I had everything still I made the decision to put it back together and try again with it on loop 2. Wrong choice; it came apart again only this time I lost the main central piece that hooks into the sensors. Whoops. Sorry Amy, I owe you half a heart rate monitor. Guess you know what you'll get for Christmas! Also a learning experience for me; I think that the HR monitors are good to train with but I'm not as much a fan during a ride (except at the vet check, I love having a hand-held to see when they come down). I like to be able to "feel" what kind of shape my horse is in and run where they feel good. But I can see in conditioning where that would be very handy, so you can see how hard you're really pushing them during a workout.
Loop three is down at the base of the mountain, mostly along private property. The trails for the most part are wide soft dirt and not too much climbing. There is one nasty technical stretch with mud and big rocks, and a few shorter but steep uphills. It was on the first few of these that Kricket finally started to tire a bit, so being in good position I let her slow down and take it easy. She was not upset at all about letting the group go, which is good (and also shows me how tired she was). But we soon met up with another rider who had decided to back off a bit on her horse, so we walk/trotted into the finish line together, finishing 9th and 10th. Not bad for her second 50! We decided not to show for BC because her butt was pretty sore from the climbs and she was tired, plus we came in 10th so it really would have just been for the practice anyway. I was also VERY sore; Kricket is an anglo-arab and has much bigger gaits than Helo or Aleah (who both ride like Cadillacs), so my muscles had to do a little more work than they were used to. :-) You can bet I hit that ibuprofen as soon as we got back to the trailer!
Day 2 with Helo went v

The LD is Loop 1 and Loop 3 of the 50, so I knew the trail pretty well at this point. He was still keyed up and riding butts halfway through the last loop, so after the nasty technical climb we checked with everybody and made the decision to push ahead. Helo handled this pretty well, we had one "discussion" when he spun and tried to go back to the group while heading slowly downhill, but once I turned around and explained what we were doing (in a mean mommy voice of course) he moved on ahead. This was the first time he actually slowed down and went steady all day. We also met up with some other riders pretty quickly and helped them navigate the last few pieces of trail, so once he figured out the game he was all go again. We also lost one of our glue ons about 2 miles from the finish, which was halfway expected because they were sized for Aleah, who was originally supposed to go. Since the trail pretty soft dirt with limited gravel (what we train on at home), I decided to finish the trail with that foot bare. It was a good decision, the vets said he was perfectly sound and gave him all A's at the finish! We completed in 7th place (though for an LD they don't really take places), and his heart rates were fantastic all day. It wasn't until his final CRI, 56/60, that he finally showed he was a wee bit tired.
So, Fort Valley was a huge success! Both Amy and Mariah finished two days on their horses on the LD, and I top 10'd both days on 2 different horses. The trail is absolutely beautiful, but I don't recommend the 50 unless your horse has had extensive hill-work. It was also very well-marked this year, and ride management did a great job making everything run smoothly. We also had a newer head vet that I didn't recognize; she did a great job and of course Nick and Art were there too.
Plans for now are to have fun riding and taking it easy through the winter; I recently got a promotion and will be looking to by MY OWN horse in the Spring (I'm trying to convince Sarah that she should sell me Helo, he has turned out to be AWESOME on trail by himself and I absolutely love him!). But if not I'll find an arab or arab cross I can bring along and condition (suggestions are welcome!). I'm also hoping to convince some of my mountain friends to come down and ride with us one weekend; we aren't far and our weather is much milder so you can ride fast year-round! Come play with us!
Any questions or comments feel free to email me at samschic@live.com, or find me on facebook. Photos from me all taken from Kricket on day 1, the ride candids are by Becky Pearman who was the ride photographer that day.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
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Some services provided are subject to certain restrictions and limitations. Member responsible for non-covered expenses and expenses in excess of coverage limits. Please see service contract for complete details. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. |
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Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Reynolds Racing Tevis Recap
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
10/4 Competition Update
Sarah and I ended up not being able to make it to fall Biltmore because personal schedules and lack of training just got a little crazy. It ended up being alright with me; as a fundraiser the entry fee for that ride is very very very very high. I love Biltmore, it's a beautiful place, but I just don't have that kind of money to give them.
Instead, it was decided we would go to Fort Valley for the 50 on October 21-22. Unfortunately we were unable to get enough training in to be careful, and again scheduling started to conflict. Good news though, Amy Smoot has asked me to take her Anglo-Arab mare, Kricket, on the 50 as well! So I'll be doing the 50 on Friday with Kricket and the LD on Saturday with Aleah (maybe Helo, but probably Aleah).
Hope to see everyone there!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Training and Competition Update
Also last weekend I was able to ride Amy Smoot's mare, Cricket. Cricket is an Anglo (half Arab, half Thoroughbred) and is getting ready for her first 50 in a few weeks at Virginia Highlands. She's got a wonderful attitude, is very steady, and a lot of fun to ride. Amy has been working on building her muscle in her top line, as it has been causing a few problems for her. I'm sending her the link to Christoph's blog (Click HERE) so she can see the different exercises he recommends. She's also been working very diligently on her collection and flexion, bringing her nose down to use the back as opposed to stretching all the way out. With those things working for her, she should come along just fine!
Here is our potential race schedule for Aleah and Helo for the rest of this year. It's a little tentative right now but this is what we'd LIKE to do:
-9/17 Fall Fling (Biltmore Estate, Asheville, NC)
**NOTE the entry for this ride is pretty pricey, because they add a "sponsorship" onto your ride fee. Because of lack of entries and complaints about this, they've lowered the cost so the total rider entry for the 50 mile is $180. Still pricey but half of what it was before
-10/22 Sand Hills Stampede (South Carolina)
**We were looking at Fort Valley but I won a free entry through the young rider's raffle. Plus, if the horses do well at Biltmore we'll hopefully be able to let them go a little faster here!
-11/12-11/13 Mustang Memorial (New Jersey)
**Good way to get in 50 miles, pretty flat and the terrain is easy, light sand. Watch out for moguls and make sure your horse is okay with wading through deep water (chest deep)!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Updates from Endurance Friends
MAD PROPS to Heather Reynolds, who just won a huge important race in the UK riding for Sheik Mohammed. Here's her blog entry so you can read about it; she even got to visit with Sammiam (the horse she placed 4th with at the Worlds in KY 2010).
Friday, June 17, 2011
Sand Hills and Old Dominion Recap
Well the last month has been pretty crazy with everything happening! I've been continuing to work with Sarah Seasholl's horses, Helo and Aleah, and everything has been going fantastic as usual! We even went up to Star Tannery, VA for 3 days and did some hill/mountain training with them to prepare for OD. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to Ann Crandell and Becky Boyce for letting us come up! The horses did awesome on the training rides, they were much more fit and prepared than we expected. Good/Bad News was we did have several boot malfunctions in the very muddy technical areas. We lost one and broke another. This is bad because, obviously, we lost a boot and that sucks. And we had to keep stopping, which is not the end of the world just irritating. But good, because it definitely gave us the go-ahead to use glue-ons for the Old Dominion race.
3 weeks back, I was invited to come to Cooper H Black (Sand Hills) and do the South East fundraiser. Mary Howell helped me find a horse to ride, and I ended up getting connected with Cheryl Van Deusen and taking her gelding, Regal (Ebs Regal Marjjan), on the 55. It was HOT and MUGGY and nasty. There were some bad storms the night before, which wouldn't have been a big deal except 3 out of 4 of my tent poles snapped while I was setting up in the dark. Ugh. Didn't get much sleep that night, which was problematic later. I now have a new truck tent, will be setting it up this weekend to make sure it fits and we're good to go. Note to self: don't get that brand again! Will have to see if there's a protectant I can order to put on the tent poles.
Anyway, I rode Regal with Cheryl and 2 other of her riders, Kevin from PA and Marcia from Michigan. We also later hooked up with Delia, riding a wonderful draft cross named Hootie. As mentioned, the day was NASTY hot and the horses had some trouble coming off loop 2. Regal pulsed down fine, but his CRI was really high. The others were having trouble pulsing. I was also getting sick from not getting much sleep the night before. With the hard work of Cheryl and the team, we rested for an extra hour and got everybody approved to go back out and complete the last 10 miles. We walked and did a little trot, and everyone got their completion! I also got my first turtle award ever! Needless to say it was a very long but satisfying day.
Two weeks later, Sarah and I headed up to Orkney Springs for Old Dominion with Aleah and Helo. After the horses did so well in training, we had signed up for the 55. We took the "scenic" route up, which was a little nerve-wracking since we've been having truck trouble but we made it just fine (though Helo was a little car sick). Ann and Becky saved us a great parking spot in the shade right next to the vets, and we got there in the morning and had tons of time to setup, vet in, etc.
If you haven't done OD, let me tell you....it is no ride for beginners
Loop two was nasty. Unfortunately, there was some confusion with the timers and Amy (Smoot) left just before us thinking we had already gone. There is no other word for it. 19 miles, and I think we walked 15 of them. That's probably exagerating, but not too much. We went up, and up, and up, and UP the mountain, then up some more along the ridgeline at the top. The horses had to go over very technical terrains and slippery boulders. Once we were FINALLY at the top, there were two close water stops (a trough and then a little pond) and we got to head straight back down into the vet check. Trail was technical again until we hit the road but all was okay. Remington lost a shoe at some point on the down hill and was done for the day; those rocks chew up feet FAST. The other horses came into the vet check just fine, though tired. This one was a rough one because we were allowed no crew gear, only what was provided. The volunteers did the best they could but there were A LOT of horses and it was tough to keep up. Plus, we got a nice pop-up thunderstorm right in the middle which was great to cool off, but got everything soaked. Blegh.
From here it was easy-peasy to the finish....or so we thought. At some point in the first 3 miles of the next loop Aleah managed to knock herself with...herself and came up a little off. Which was crazy, since it was nice open trail with no obstacles. Her tendon started swelling too right above her fetlock. So we walked/hiked it the rest of the way in and called it a day (yup, pulled at mile 49 of 55). Helo and Maggie (with Sarah and Amy) continued on, though Maggie had some gut sound trouble at the hold. They got her picking up and did the last 6 miles very slow, finishing with plenty of time to spare and even in time to go get dinner! All in all, a semi-good day.
After seeing the treatment vet (AERC new rules from 2010 ALL Horses who are pulled MUST check out with the treatment vet), I took Aleah back to the trailer and wrapped her leg in ice, then wrapped both. I also put some poultice on but covered it so that it would stay moist. The best way to do this is to put wet paper bags like from the grocery store over the poultice, then plastic, then polo wraps. I didn't have paper, but I had plastic and polo wraps so we managed the best we could. Sources vary but most say that you need to keep the poultice wet, or it starts to do some damage while it dries pulling things apart. In any case, the injury seems pretty minor and I was confident that she absolutely would have finished if she hadn't come up off.
Both Helo and Aleah were tired, but bright eyed and taking great care of themselves. Maggie was still having a little digestive trouble, but seemed to be okay. Ate and drank and then napped (standing). And napped and napped and napped. Definitely will have to keep a watch on her to make sure everything is okay for the next ride she does.
Our friend Ann Crandell won the 100 on her horse Sunny and one of the Best Condition awards for the day (OD has 2)! We got to see her finish and it was so exciting! Great job to Becky and Justin (and Amy's parents) crewing for us all.
The glue on boots worked GREAT. We didn't lose them or have any issues at all! Helo's were really chewed up but still on at the end and important part of the foot protected. We think it was a combo of rocks and the way he moves. Good test run!
So now we have a lot of time off. Aleah and Helo will have a few weeks to rest up and heal before we start up with them again. Sarah Seasholls is looking into getting a new saddle, and my friend Kelly is picking up a new gelding so I think I will be helping her work with him when he first gets back. Next ride I'm pushing for (if Sarah is okay with it) is Virginia Highlands in August. One of my favorites, it's beautiful and challenging, but not as much so as Old Dominion. Don and Nicki Meuten manage it and have done a great job the last two years it's been running! We shall see....
All photos of Old Dominion are courtesy of Sarah Aitken Seasholls. Good thing ONE of us takes a camera around. ;-)